Careful Use of the Forest | Certification | Community | Safety
MLTC, NorSask Forest Products and Mistik Management Ltd.
MLTC has been in forestry management since 1987, and is the sole owner of NorSask, which is the largest forest products company in Canada owned by First Nations. NorSask processes 500,000 cubic metres (m3) of softwood timber annually, producing over 140 million board feet of lumber every year. The facility operates in the top quartile for quality, productivity and safety. NorSask’s high performance has allowed the company to expand and diversify.
Mistik Management Ltd., a woodlands management company, provides timber and forestry services to its owners: NorSask Forest Products and Meadow Lake Mechanical Pulp Inc.. Mistik has achieved several environmental certifications including; ISO 14001 certification, CSA-Z809, and certification by the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC® C019387). Mistik Management Ltd. is dedicated to the responsible stewardship of the forest.
Since 1998 Mistik has been the licensee of a perpetual forest management agreement (FMA) with the Province of Saskatchewan. This long-term agreement is key to our ability to meet the wood fibre requirements of the sawmill.
Mistik’s 20-Year Forest Management Plan integrates regulatory requirements (provincial forestry standards) and voluntary sustainable forest management (SFM) certification plans and systems (ISO, CSA, FSC® C019387). Mistik’s exemplary performance in responding to community and stakeholder input ensures the forest continues to benefit all northerners.
The Prince Albert FMA area is located just north of Prince Albert in the heart of Saskatchewan. This area of boreal forest contains mixed-wood stands on the west and softwood dominated stands to the north and east. Common tree species are trembling aspen, pine, spruce, balsam, poplar, and birch.
The total area (land, water, swamp) of the FMA area is 3.3 million hectares with 2.6 million being forested. Timber harvesting is expected to be possible on 1.6 million hectares or 58% of the forested area.
The previous Forest Management Plan established a sustainable harvest rate of 2.88 million m3 per year. The annual harvest area is approximately 8,400 hectares (<1% of the harvestable landbase.)
Co-management is a process in which the people who live on the land and use its resources for their livelihood, share in decision making.
Members of co-management boards come from local communities where they live and work. Often they are fishermen, trappers, loggers – northern people who can represent the concerns and interests of people living in Fur Conservation Areas and wildlife habitats. Such people are sensitive to local issues and are frequently knowledgeable about special sites such as traditional areas of cultural importance, and wildlife habitats. Consequently they are able to examine and question annual forest operating plans put before them at co-management meetings. Co-management board meetings are opportunities for local people to ask forest managers about their proposed plans and operations. (The NorSask Forest Story, Fraser Hamilton Inc., Edmonton Alberta, 1996, page 139.)
Our co-management boards began with Elders’ meetings in 1992. From those meetings, co-management boards were organized to combine traditional knowledge with modern science and technology in managing the woodlands.
Today, Mistik, our forest manager, works closely with nine co-management advisory boards that provide ongoing input into operational plans. Mistik also has significant communication with a range of other stakeholder groups (outfitters, trappers, traditional use, grazing permittees, wild rice growers, cabin owners, etc.) in, and immediately surrounding, our Forest Management Area.
Environmental and forest stewardship is both a corporate and individual responsibility. We will provide the tools and training to promote employee and contractor understanding and achievement of our environmental and sustainable forest management policy.
Annually, the partnership of NorSask, Mistik and Meadow Lake Mechanical Pulp generates millions of dollars in economic activity through employment alone. MLTC reinvests a portion of the profits earned as NorSask dividends. These profits fund improvements equally across our nine First Nations shareholder communities.
The spin-off effects from our operations have been significant. Through Mistik we have established on-going relationships with dozens of self-supporting businesses. In many cases, members of First Nations have been provided with financial and management support in establishing and sustaining their own contracting businesses. Meadow Lake Tribal Council takes pride in these accomplishments.
Traditionally forestry played a minor, complementary role in the economy of Meadow Lake, a service centre for agriculture in northwestern Saskatchewan. The stability of the partners’ operations has contributed to diversification of the local and regional economies. During the severe agricultural crisis which affected Saskatchewan during the later 1980s for example, Meadow Lake experienced expansion. (Source: Jackson and DiGiacomo of the Centre for the Study of Training, Investment and Economic Restructuring, Carleton University, 1997.)
At NorSask we take training seriously. Safety and on the job training are a part of a quality product.
NorSask Forest Products is committed to preventing accidental loss to any of its employees, resources or physical assets. Providing a healthy safe workplace for all is of vital importance.
In fulfilling this commitment to protect both people and property, NorSask Forest Products will provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment in accordance with industry standards, compliance with legislative requirements, and will strive to eliminate any foreseeable hazards which may result in accidents or personal injury/illness or property damage.
Accidental loss can be controlled through good management in combination with active employee involvement. Safety is the direct responsibility of all management, supervisors, and employees.
All NorSask Forest Products activities will comply with safety requirements as they relate to the planning, operation and maintenance of facilities and equipment. All employees will perform their jobs properly in accordance with established job procedures and safe work practices.
Management and workers will work as a team, to actively participate and contribute to reaching the company safety goals – to meet and/or exceed Saskatchewan Occupational Health & Safety Legislation, Human Rights Code and Industry Best Practices. Continuing participation and cooperation will be the foundation to ensure that hazardous conditions and practices are addressed and that health and safety are foremost in this workplace.
NorSask Forest Products trusts that all employees will make this personal commitment in making SAFETY a way of life.